untitled(Lollipop Factory)
Lollipop Factory, Budapest, HU
Opening speech: Mark von Rosenstiel
Exhibition duration: 7th of December 2017 – 10th of January 2018
Photos: Gábor Koós
Gábor Koós’s installation at LLPlatform is a mediation on objects pulled out of time. Obviously, these objects still exist here in the room with us, as do their originals, traveling at the speed of light through time and space. But by creating copies of objects that seem disposable (like a shirt) or an object that is underappreciated (like a wall), Koós gives us the opportunity to look at an object held in a particular moment; to see the secret world of creases in a shirt or the small dents and scratches on a wall that have gone unnoticed yet tell a very particular story. In their black and white existence, these works offer the highest degree of clarity into a space that is both familiar but created anew. It is like walking down the street absorbed in thought, when suddenly you bump face-to-face with a friend and in that moment the world solidifies, the details of your surroundings become crisp and differentiated from the whole and you are able to appreciate for the first time something that has been in front of you the whole time.