Kunsthalle, Budapest, HU
Installation view: Derkovits Most
Curator: József Készman
Exhibition duration: 6th of April 2013 – 12th May 2013
My diploma work is based on woodcut technique. Large-scale woodcuts allow me to preserve and transmit the experience and monumentality of bigger objects, in case of my diploma, Glasgow’s towers. The towers in Glasgow dominate the city landscape with their size, and they had an overwhelming, almost mesmerizing effect on me. Based on my own photos, I made woodcuts of three towers. I arranged the artworks as an installation, where I placed the print on the wall and the corresponding matrix to its feet, laid on the floor. Showing the print and its matrix together evokes a shadow effect, which not only reflects the monumentality of these towers, but also my approach to printmaking. Although woodcutting is a reproductive technique, I strictly create unique prints, exhibiting the matrix and the print of the artwork as one unit. Treating both matrix and the print as unique and original objects reflects the problematic of copy and original, which is inherent in any printmaking process. The self-imposed restriction of making one single print of a matrix is also a statement, which is a contrast to the nature of printmaking