The Souvenir Series
2013 - 2014
In the Souvenir series, Koós is experimenting with printmaking in 3D by printing a whole space for the first time. In his first 3D print installation, he tries to capture and recreate the goods lift of his art studio in life-size as some sort of souvenir he wants to take with him when leaving his studio for good. The huge goods lift played an important role in the artist’s life in transporting his large-scale works and installations. As a farewell from his studio, Koós also printed his armchair, which was the place of his inventions.
In the forthcoming parts of the Souvenir series, the artist is coping with his past and his mourning related to the recent loss of family members: he prints objects from his childhood house, like the balcony fence made by his grandfather or his uncle’s saw, who introduced him to working with wood. The artworks are all protests against forgetting.